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9 Signs You’ve Outgrown Your Glass Manufacturing Software

Published on 20 February 2017

There are many frustrating situations in the glass manufacturing business. Orders entered incorrectly, wasted glass, slow production times. With all these factors to juggle, updating your software is probably the last thing on your mind. It shouldn’t be. While you may think that your software is working with you to help you manage your business, if it has become outdated it’s only slowing you down. So how do you know if your software is hurting instead of helping? Here are signs you’ve outgrown your software:

1. Your software hasn’t been updated recently.

Don’t waste time and money on software that isn’t updated regularly, or worse, has never been updated. Outdated software prevents you from replacing your computers and machinery because it isn’t compatible with the latest technology. While you might think you’re saving money by waiting to upgrade your computers, you’re actually hurting your productivity. If you can’t replace your outdated technology because your current software won’t run on something more modern, it’s time to move on. Software that isn’t regularly updated and maintained is not a good investment for the future of your business. Consider software solutions that come with a maintenance package and a highly trained team of experts to help you when you need it.

2. You’re getting new machines.

Because you’re a growing business, you’re probably starting to look into upgrading your production machinery. Are you planning to purchase new tempering oven so you don’t have to outsource anymore? Do you need a new cutting table to accommodate different shapes and sizes for new customers? Make sure your old software will integrate with the new equipment. If not, it’s time to upgrade. With Industry 4.0 in full force, it’s imperative that your machines and your software work together seamlessly and help you keep up with your growing demand.

3. Did someone say growing demand?

Your business is growing and your software is starting to fall short. Entering large or complicated orders seems nearly impossible because your software system was built for a small company with limited capabilities. You need more flexibility for complex or rush orders that your current software can’t accommodate. Your software is slowing you down and you need a solution that streamlines and optimizes your production from order entry to delivery to fill orders as quickly and efficiently as possible so you can not only keep up, but keep growing.

4. Your production costs are rising.

Is the cost of your production process beginning to catch up with your profits? It could be that it takes your current software too long to process orders, which delays production and slows output, ultimately costing you money. Or maybe your software doesn’t process orders at all and you have to enter them manually, also costing you money. You might be producing excess waste, which also wastes money. Outsourcing or buying your tempered glass (you guessed it) also costs money. Sensing a pattern? What if your software allowed your customers and dealers to enter the orders themselves, and then sent those orders straight into production automatically, integrated with your new machinery, then optimized the best route through the production line to reduce waste and increase throughput, all of which would save you the money you were previously spending on each of these steps? Sounds great doesn’t it?

5. You’re opening a new facility.

This one is pretty self-explanatory. You’re branching out and opening another site to accommodate higher volume and customers in more areas. However, your current software won’t support a multi-site operation. You need a glass manufacturing software solution that will support multiple facilities.

6. Everything’s a little lost.

When a customer calls and wants to know where their order is on the factory floor, can you tell them without having to track it down? Do you know exactly where your delivery trucks are and the route they’re taking to your customers? Do your customers have visibility into where their order is in the production process? A new ERP can offer complete visibility at all stages for you and your customers. Barcoding allows you to find materials at every stage in production, and route planning gives you full transparency even after the order has left your facilities with access to updated delivery schedules based on truckload and traffic conditions for you and your driver.

7. The competition has upgraded.

If there is one surefire sign that it's time upgrade your software, it's this one. If the competition is throwing out their old ERP, you could be falling behind. You need to keep up with the latest technology in order to maintain your competitive advantage. While you may not be quite ready to fully automate your factory floor, investing in the right software now will build the foundation for future growth.

8. You want to be more eco-friendly.

Is your desk covered in paperwork? It’s time to go paperless. The right software can help you convert your business’s documents from stacks of paper to neatly organized files on your computer. Your invoices are emailed instead of mailed, saving time and cost of postage. New software can also help you optimize your cutting table and minimize waste, all while increasing throughput. Route planning software helps you plan the most efficient delivery route to your customers, saving on gas and emissions from your delivery trucks.

9. You need to start planning ahead.

Because your demand is growing, you need to start planning to accommodate how your production floor will manage the larger capacity. However, your current software doesn’t have a capacity planning function. New software with a capacity planner can help process large and complicated orders as efficiently as possible. A route planner helps optimize your delivery routes and ensure orders are delivered on time.


If you’re having any of the above issues with your current software, it’s time to start looking for potential solutions. With A+W Business Pro, you don’t have to worry about outgrowing another ERP. You can start with the essentials you need now and add more functionality as your business needs evolve, all backed by a support team of experts with an average of 25 years of experience in the glass manufacturing industry. Additionally, A+W has an extensive interface library that connects to more equipment and machinery than any other software in the industry. For more information, visit the A+W Business Pro website or contact Josh Rudd at +1 (847) 471.4387.

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