Good news for glass producers — Glass prices are apparently leveling out.
The monthly Producer Price Index (PPI) data for May found that flat glass prices in the commodity classification fell slightly to 132.9 in May, a 0.2 percent decline. April prices were unchanged from March. While the change last month was slight, it is a marked difference from a year ago when prices were up 0.6 percent, suggesting that prices might level over the next 12 months. a
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), which releases the data, reported that flat glass prices in the industry classification remains unchanged — 103.9, a 01. Percent increase from April and a 1.4 percent increase from the same month last year.
The BLS also reports that prices for fabricated metal products, which include glazing systems, increased 0.6 percent in May from April to 218.4. That’s a 2.4 percent price increase from the previous year.