Drutex, a glassmaker in Bytow, Poland, announced that it has created a smart glass technology that transmits interactive media content such as streaming television and Internet.
The window, which the company says will go into mass production likely next year, represents a first in the market. Its development guarantees that the standard glass window will no longer be perceived as a construction element, but will instead transform into a working tool for the user.
“Our intention was to develop a product which would meet the needs of the present-day customer, who is keener on using modern Internet tools, who is mobile and seeks simple and highly functional solutions. Our window offers a range of possibilities for the home, work and the office,” said Drutex President Leszek Gierszewski.
Branded as SmartWindow, it features a control unit that will control the window and interact with users via different interfaces. The LCD matrix is embedded within the glass pane and interfaces with wireless communications such as Bluetooth. Users will have the opportunity to upload various media to the window via a portable drive. This allows users to connect their home computer network which will then allow them to stream Internet media such as Netflix or YouTube, as well as photos.
The window also has virtual protection blinds, which can be dimmed remotely. It will be available in all Drutex technologies such as aluminum, wooden, PVC, and wooden-aluminum systems.